I hate school. I know I'm not supposed to say that, don't worry my children aren't listening.
I dread this last week of summer every year, and I try to fit in every happy memory I can think of. This leaves me stressed and feeling like time is stealing from me.
You too?
As a Mom, God has called me to be a light to my family. I get the singular privilege of shining light for my children in so many ways. I get the greatest joy because God has entrusted their hearts to me. Make no mistake, I also feel the heavy weight of that responsibility, but instead of letting it drive me to be the best parent, I'm choosing to let it lead me to Jesus feet, so that I can be the parent He designed me to be. Only He knows the Mom my children need, and He picked me to be it. I can trust Him to show me each day, each minute, each second how to love them. Only He can teach me how to be their mom, and that knowledge leaves me chasing Jesus as soon as I wake up every morning.
With this spectacular privilege comes a responsibility to seek Jesus for them. The most concrete way I can influence their heart is to pray for them. It may not seem like it, but it is the absolute truth. I know the better plan seems to be: Go with them everywhere, control everything they do, and make all their decisions for them. But maybe give prayer a try and save the counseling bills.
We can't fence time. It refuses to be kept, so I am putting my energy into eternity. My prayers for my kids aren't limited by time, God can uses them over and over.
I've created pintables for you to use. You can picture me using these prayer cards in my big chair, extra cup of coffee, fighting tears on the first day of school. You can join me and print these prayer cards for use over and over. Just click the download or if you prefer scan the QR code at the bottom of this email.
Father, we trust you with our children and pray with Jesus as He prayed
over His disciples that you would not take them out of the world
but keep them from the evil one (John 17:15).
Keep them God, as only you can keep them.
Help them as they grow not to grow weary of doing good.
Don’t let them give up before the harvest (Galatians 6:9).
Help us not to grow weary either. Keep us as you keep them.
Remind us that they aren’t just our children, they are yours and they represent you.
Let them bring honor to your name. In Jesus name, Amen.