As I start to process 2024, there are all these things floating through my head that I didn't get done last year. You too? They are subltly speaking failure over me and I realize: I've been listening. So here's what I am going to do. The next couple days when the list of undone, unfinished, or even not started things pop in my head, I'm letting them go. I don't want to carry them into 2025. They will keep me from running into God's new goals for me, they will tangle my feet and hold me in the past. Instead, as they pop into my head, I'm going to evaluate them. Is this something that will count in eternity or not?
It really is that simple. If it isn't a goal that is getting me closer to heaven, then it didn't really matter anyway and it should be easy to let go.
But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13b&14
It will take work to press on and not look back. Letting go is never easy for me, but in this case it's necessary. I want to run into this next year free of guilt and "what ifs" so I am determined to stick with this. I will get slowed down by looking back at some point, but I am asking god to gently put my gaze back on Him where they belong.
Jesus actually wants us to feel this freedom every single day not just in the New Year. He said that His mercies are new every morning.
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 22&23
That thing you said in haste, let it go.
That time you dropped the ball, let it go.
The thing you forgot to do for someone, even though you said you would, let it go.
The time you let your child down, let it go.
The time you hurt your spouse, let it go.
This list is starting to overwhelm me, but it doesn't overwhelm God. He promises to forget our sins as far as the east is from the west. Our enemy, the accuser, he wants them to hang around and trip us up. I'm letting go and disarming my enemy. I'm walking into God's new mercy for every morning.
Now if I could somehow start this process over with my email inbox.
With Love,
