God knows exactly when I need to know, so He isn't in a rush to tell me.
Does this drive anyone else crazy?
I want to know now.
I've been asking God a question for a couple months, and He has renewed my urgency to ask. But do you know what else He's teaching me? Pro/Con lists don't help. God doesn't pick His answer based on statistics of what logically should work out the best. He just picks the best. He doesn't have to weigh the "what if" options.
If He doesn't need a Pro/Con list, then I don't either. If I am asking Him for an answer, I don't have to weigh my options or waste precious energy on "what if" options. All I have to do is wait. And do you know what I am finding, I can choose rest. I can trust that He has an answer and will give it at the perfect time. I have to come back to this when I start to Pro/Con of course. Habits are hard to quit, but I'm having some success at peace.
I've been parking my heart in Psalm 25. I've read it every day this week. Each day a different verse has caught my complete attention.
Here are some verses I've prayed through;
I can always lift up my soul to God (1).
None who wait on God will ever be put to shame (3).
He will, "take me by the hand and lead me down the path of truth" (5 msg).
All the paths that God walks me down are full of "steadfast love and faithfulness" (10).
If we fear only Him and stay in awe of Him, He will instruct us in the way that we should go, and our souls will abide in well being (12,13).
…and my favorite from the Message paraphrase:
"If I keep my eyes on God, I won't trip over my own feet" (15).
It's been refreshing to meditate on these words, read them and re-read them. Write them down and take them with me. They are guarding my heart. God has an answer.
Yes, No, or Maybe may come, but God himself is always the answer because if I look for Him, I also get peace and joy. I want to stop trying to look past God to see what's coming, and just fix my eyes on God.
I want to remind you of something in Jeremiah 29. We always look to verse 11, "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil,, to give you a future and a hope." This is absolutely true, but we are wise to keep reading..."Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." God has so much good for us, but the best is Him, not His plans, but access to Himself. Sometimes we don't seek Him when we think we have all the answers, and He loves us enough to provide us with His presence and then the answers we need as a bonus.