Prayer has become my soul’s breath.
I need it or my soul is stagnant.
I am not an expert at anything but needing God, and needing God has taught me prayer.
There is no way around this truth. Time isn’t an actual issue. My body needs to breathe, I can’t just say, “sorry lungs, I don’t have time for that right now.” It is something I need. We might try to deny it, but our souls need prayer.
“What wings are to a bird, and sails to a ship, so is prayer to the soul.”
Corrie Ten Boom
Without wings, birds never get off the ground. Without sails, boats don’t get to their destination. Without prayer our souls never take off and soar, and we can’t get where we are intended to go. If we don’t start with prayer, how are we to know if we are headed the right direction. Prayer is the best compass and GPS combo, and it’s at our fingertips always.

If you want to get in a rhythm of prayer, I can help you. I have lots of resources. My first devotional Steadfast is all about David’s heart for prayer. It teaches journaling prayer from scripture. Most people I talk to say they just don’t know what to pray, what could possibly be better or more powerful than praying God’s own word. David poured his heart out to God in prayers found in the psalms. I figured if he wrote his prayers, I would too. He was a man after God’s own heart, and that is my desire, to be a woman after God’s own heart.
If you want to grow, pray; if you want to accomplish things for God,
pray; if you want to produce fruit, pray; if you want to evangelize,
pray; if you want direction, pray; if you want to serve, pray; if you want to please God, let prayer be your offering. We cause no movement in the spirit world without prayer. This is actually an amazing safeguard because God's sovereignty is the filter for my imperfect prayers. Prayer first keeps me from headlong errors in the wrong direction.
If you aren't caring for your soul, why? What is more important? You are going to read this and think, "this is true, I really should pray more". Don't let it stop at just that, let this be the start of a real change. Prayer changes everything.
Click on the picture to take you directly to Steadfast on Amazon. It's prime free shipping.
Or go to my homepage and get the free January Jumpstart, you can download or print it out.
Don't have great intentions that get you nowhere.