The plan: Seek, Seek, Remember
It's fairly simple, and I am sure to still mess is up.
The beauty is that I can come back to it. God lets me practice.
Man do I need His strength.
I really really want His presence that brings peace.
Remembering my blessings brings me perspective.
Seek the Lord and His strength.
I try to do things my own way in my own power every day. If I will just seek the Lord, He will lend me His strength, and I will be reminded that it's not on my shoulders.
Seek His presence continually.
I want to practice God's presence with me ALL day. That's when He is available: inside every minute. I want to stay with Him. That's where joy and peace are.
Remember the wondrous works that He has done.
This is more than just being thankful. Though I need a reminder to do that, remembering what he has done increases my faith. Recognizing and recalling how the hand of God has changed my circumstances gives me hope for today.
God, help me use this combo effectively. I want to be a doer of the word and not just a hearer (James 1). show me where to apply this today. Help me to seek you and your strength over trying to muscle my way, let me remember your presence that speaks love to all my lonely places, and remind me to celebrate all of your answered prayers and be thankful in places where I am blind to my blessings. Thank you for the promise in Jeremiah that when we seek you we find you.